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Problem migrating my tpg email to the messaging co

Level 2
I have been unable to access my tpg email account since June 19. I contacted TMC & was told it had not been migrated & the problem was with TPG. Tried all the TPG contact number & emails that I had with zero results.
Persons trying to contact me get an error message:
All hosts for au have been failing for a long time. (Retry time not reached)
Does anyone have any advice to get this sorted out?

Hey @CoryF, we'd like to check out what's happening with your email and see how we can help.


If you send a PM here, we'll take a look.

Level 2
Thank you Kate
I have been unable to access my TPG email account : since June 19. Have contacted TMC tho advised that it had not been migrated & that as such it was a problem at the TPG end. Have tried to contact TPG to no avail.
People who have tried to reach me get the error message:
coryf@ rpt-cro- au
All hosts for coryf@ rpt-cro- au have been failing for a long time (and retry time not reached)
Is am supposed to have received some important emails in this time so I need to get it sorted out.
If you can assist me it will be greatly appreciated
Kind regards
Fred Cory

We recommend sending a message directly to my account so we can keep your details private. You can see how to do this at the link below 😊


How do I private message (PM) in the community?

Level 7

In addition to PMing Kate, you should go back to the posts where you gave private details, and edit them out (options > edit).  Also, I can see that the bounces have some spaces in them.
