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Slow speeds after neighbor finished renovations


@Pinkyoshi . You should isolate where the random packet loss occurs in the tracert.

Run 300 pings to the address in the second hop:     ping -n 300 10......

I think this is a TPG address on other side of NBN network.

Should that happen to be 0% loss, then repeat pings to the 3rd address. And so on.

You can use -l   (lower case L) parameter to specify data length in ping to load the network.

BTW, I get 5ms response to the second address in my tracert (NBN25).


I still don't understand how your router reports VDSL2 stats on a fibre connection. The router doesn't see any fibre characteristics. It can be aware of CRC and FEC events. The only SNR and Power levels come from the electronics handling the ethernet cable to FTTP NCD.

What model router is it?

Level 2

i mistyped it, getting late. its fttB, not P




@Pinkyoshi . There is something to be checked in the either the NBN FTTB or TPG FTTB equipment in the comms room. Bad jumpering of your phone line maybe. Or crosstalk between lines.

Has the bad performance occurred since your neighbour's renovation?

Do you know if they are getting bad performance as well?


Hi @Pinkyoshi, please confirm if you still require assistance. We've seen your post here and advised that the issue is now resolved. We're just a private message away. Thanks! 

Level 2

no the issue isnt fixed. can you elevate it please? 

Level 2

That was a different issue from 2 years ago, i thought id say how that got fixed. this is a different issue. 


I see. Send us a private message and we'll go from there, @Pinkyoshi

Level 2

no idea who or what did what, but last night around 9pm, after 20 or so line drop outs and re-syncs, my internet shot back up to normal speed speedtest 


Your Internet speed is
82 Mbps
tpg speedtest


84.0 Mbps
Seems somebody came out and did something or it was fixed as part of maintanance or something, but after a month of crappy speeds, it seems its all back normal, fingers crossed. 

@Pinkyoshi We're glad that your speeds are back to normal. How about the packet losses?