Static IP on FTTN Residential

Level 2

My IP kept changing whenever I restarted my modem. Could you please offer static IP to residential? I can't be changing my security camera IP everytime I restarted my modem.

Level 6

I am sure that many of us would like to have a static IP address assigned to the modem but unfortunately, TPG does not provide static IPs for "Personal" services. You may want to look at using a "Dynamic DNS" service that your modem supports and this would be almost as good as having a static IP address.


Level 3

Hi @bisheng83


A quick search of the TPG website shows that a static IP is available on the NBN small business plans. 


Google took me to


Hope that helps Smiley Happy


Good day @bisheng83,


Welcome to TPG Community!


At this point we don't offer the static IP address for residential NBN plans, but we are always looking at improving our customers experience with us.


Our NBN Small business plans already come with a static IP address. If you wish to upgrade your plan, I can arrange a call from our Change of plan team or you can contact them at 1300 365 313.


Kind regards,

Level 2

I had ADSL 2+ Static IP. I checked the business plan is offering the same thing with static IP at $10 more per month. I'm not using it for commercial, it is a residential address. I hope TPG could do something to change this. It is extremely inconvenience to change IP for home security system.


Hi @bisheng83,


This is noted and we will forward this to our Management for consideration. Just check our website from time to time, in case we have updates with our NBN service.


At this point, if you need a Static IP address for the NBN service, you can upgrade to our small business NBN plan.


Kind regards,

Level 4
Level 1a

My IP kept changing whenever I restarted my modem. Could you please offer static IP to residential? I can't be changing my security camera IP everytime I restarted my modem.

Level 1a

My IP kept changing whenever I restarted my modem. Could you please offer static IP to residential? I can't be changing my security camera IP everytime I restarted my modem.

Level 1a

My IP kept changing whenever I restarted my modem. Could you please offer static IP to residential? I can't be changing my security camera IP everytime I restarted my modem.

Port Forward Network Utilities
You can set a static Ip
Use  (Prefered) (Alternate)

Level 3

So I thought I'd ask if there has been any change in this, since last post was start of year, here it is, end of year, and please, do not say small business plan once more, why oh why would you someone would pay you 10 bucks a month more for a static IP when I can use other NBN RSP's with similar pricing that include one for free, and  rDNS..  we have this on TPG ADSL, why not VDSL, TPG has served me well for a very long time, but our marriage will be over if you cant offer a free static IP on FTTN and our area is of this week NBN ready - allegedly Smiley Wink  (though I wont consider migration till after xmas)



Hi @Nobby,


Welcome to TPG Community!


Currently, we still don't have an available Static IP address for the TPG NBN residential plan. We hope to provide it in the near future.


Just check our website from time to time, in case we have updates with our NBN service.


Kind regards,


Level 2

Customers who are changing over should be made aware of this change to their service which they have taken for granted will be present. I have been a customer of TPG for over 6 years and have gotten used to being able to whitelist my IP address on websites I administer.



I can't believe I hadn't heard about this until I'd already started an 18 month contract. I don't want to pay an additional $30 for unlimited data 50/20 to get an IP address.