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TPG been down all week

Level 2
Starting to get quite annoyed that the provider we pay $80 a month to is only working half the time, we have not been able to use wifi on our phones for months and every week the wifi on my computer which I WFH does not work.
Seeing as you guys put up the cost of your service with no explanation, I think it’s fair to ask for explanation as to why you do not compensate when your product fails to meet the promised output.

Hi @EllaMJ . Are you saying that your phones can't connect to the wifi on the router?

Or, are you using the word wifi to mean the internet generally?

If the WFH computer can access the internet, the phones should be able to as well.


What type of NBN connection do you have?

What model wifi router?


Hi @EllaMJ,


We're keen on checking out and sort out your connection. Please send us a private message and we'll go from there. 

