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TPG email addresses are moving to The Messaging Company???


@Julie_k We have begun contacting customers who have free email service us, notifying them of the email closure and the transfer process. This email will also indicate the cutoff date for you to complete the transfer. If you opt not to transfer before the date advised in the email, your TPG email address will be suspended. 

Level 4

Joseph D. - thanks for your note.  The postmaster is already aware because 6 weeks ago we moved our hosted address to a new location, and now nobody with a tpg email address can send emails to that address because they get stopped by a TPG internal server somewhere.

Not sure how TPG accounts for NBN bundles & Bizphones will get to me when my TPG email account ends. - do they post?


Level 4

Aubrey - where do you get the idea that TPG email is a free service?  It has always only been available as an intergal part of a bundle, eg with ADSL or now NBN, it was never free.


Not applicable

Hi @Ascidian99 ,


It is best to coordinate the email issue with the postmaster to get a proper resolution. The TPG email will only end when the TPG account is cancelled.


Joseph D. - thanks for your note.  The postmaster is already aware because 6 weeks ago we moved our hosted address to a new location, and now nobody with a tpg email address can send emails to that address because they get stopped by a TPG internal server somewhere.

Not sure how TPG accounts for NBN bundles & Bizphones will get to me when my TPG email account ends. - do they post?

Level 4

Joseph D,  thanks, but perhaps I should have said that he was aware, & working on the problem, because we are in regular communication and I'm forwarding the full error response from a number of test messages.  Last one was this morning.

What does bother me is that he seems to be working in a team of one & that my problem is just one of many.  I don't get the feeling that TPG is adequately resourced to handle the situation they've created and that when problems arise, as they inevitably will with such a large scale exercise, it's the PBI who'll get the blame whilst the peanuts who made the decision to drop email will get bonuses. (or perhaps not seeing the financial diificulties TPG are in (SMH business section 27th July))

Level 4

sorry, last message should have been directed to Shane, not Joseph D, apologies.

Level 2

From the customer point of view, this whole situaton seems nuts.


I've been with TPG for over 10 years, but I think I might as well churn to Aussie Broadband, where I can get the same plan + voip phone for the same price. And if I also churn my mobile accounts I can save $10 a month.


Does TPG management have some kind of delusion about the quality of TPG's service? My speeds have been pretty spotty for months, but I didn't bother whinging about it. Without the email address tethering me to TPG, why wouldn't I try other service providers?

Not applicable

Hi @Ascidian99 ,


Your particular situation is unique as such some of the info provided to you may not be applicable to others.


Send us a PM so we can verify your details and we will work with our post master for resolutions.


How to send a PM? 




Joseph D,  thanks, but perhaps I should have said that he was aware, & working on the problem, because we are in regular communication and I'm forwarding the full error response from a number of test messages.  Last one was this morning.

What does bother me is that he seems to be working in a team of one & that my problem is just one of many.  I don't get the feeling that TPG is adequately resourced to handle the situation they've created and that when problems arise, as they inevitably will with such a large scale exercise, it's the PBI who'll get the blame whilst the peanuts who made the decision to drop email will get bonuses. (or perhaps not seei

Level 4

Ok. Let's rephrase free because nothing is free, there are always strings attached.

In the TPG context, most if not all Australian RSVs offer an email service as part of their services, bundled in one price. There are extra costs like NBN landline charges to 13/1300 numbers and NBN landline calls to some overseas countries. Fine, that'sextra, but EMAIL is bundled with the base price.
What TPG are now doing is unbundling email, forcing us to go to a different email service provider who will charge us extra for the email service. And making the threat that if we bail from TPG, TMC will delete our TMS-hosted TPG email account.
That's fine, if TPG discount the cost of their now diminished internet service bundle. But the bright sparks at head office are not going to do that. So the total "TPG" internet+email bundle will cost sunstantially more for the same functionality.

That's not going to fly with customers who see that other RSVs offer internet plus email, standby mobile connectivity and sometimes also personal web hosting at a lower cost.
TPG has no answer to this except we will provide a better service. Doing what?

Level 3

Mine only took a few minutes @tylerbrock. Code came through in about 5mins, then another email saying my requested had been received.


My main question now is, when will my TPG email be transferred over to TMC? A week, a month, after 11th September (cut off deadline) etc? Given what is going on in my life currently, I can't afford the change to go sideways and I'm left without email (main or aliases) for any length of time - needs to be an instantaneous change over between the two companies.