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TPG to TMC - Not Getting Email

Level 3

Good morning. After the TPG email crash the other week my email stopped working - then, after changing a numer of configurations over a couple of days, sending/receiving using 'use submission port 587' setting, setting STARTLS to 'required alternative port', everything has worked fine for a week or so, but this morning nil results. Message received on dropping out is 'error [system] temporary authentication failure.'  Very strange, 'cos working fine yesterday and no changes made yesterday. This morning I tried a variety of changes to get my client email working, but to no effect. I am using an email client Eudora 7.1.9 which has been upgraded by Hermes to fit Windows 10 & Windows 11. All working fine until the TPG email crash the other week. My email client has failed this morning, so by reverting back to TPG's recommented ports POP3 465 and SMTP 995 , if available STARTLS and unticking submission point, it still does not work.


Level 3

Sorry, little typo there: incoming 995, outgoing 465.


Hi @Graham999 . There might have been a hiccup with Post Office earlier on, but I have just started Thunderbird client and received all mail that was shown in Post Office. 

I do have a problem where some emails have been lost or hugely delayed (only started recently) and I am moving some senders to Gmail.

The correct settings are: SMTP port 465, SSL/TLS; POP3 port 995 SSL/TLS. Don't use STARTTLS.


Hi @Graham999 


There was a known issue within the incoming and outgoing Emails.


This has been resolved and should be back to normal.


Let us know if you need further assistance.



Level 3

Tks BasilDV, nah, after re-entering the POP3 & SMTP recommendations from TPG, I cannot send or receive. I'm simply getting the little spinning wheel going round and round and no action. 


Hi @Graham999 


Please check the settings here:


If it still did not work, send us a private message with the screenshot of your incoming and outgoing mail settings for further checking.



Level 3

Hi BasilDV

I never seem to receive any reply from private messages, they appear to get lost in the system somehow ???? But I'll try again.
