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VDSL Configuration


@UJ2021 . This community thread might be useful if anyone can understand the user's situation. The user has the SFP module for RJ11 connection although the user has ADSL.


Level 2



That post in SOPHOS community was raised by myself and so far I havent got that much of helpful information from them. 


I have challenges of accessing the logfile because somewhat reasons the command line interface does not accept my admin password. So I cant download the logfile. 


This is the first time I am using a SOPHOS box and got a lot to learn. My supplier has helped in setting it up a bit but now having challenges with the FTTN based VDSL connection.  


@UJ2021 . Community user "cn" is using a Sophos firewall. You might be able to send him a private message about how to set up yours. The thread was more to do with VOIP.