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When will TPG implement IPv6?

Level 2

Does TPG have a timeframe on when IPv6 will be used? I have been a loyal TPG customer however if there is no IPv6 available I will look at other alternatives. 

I am paying the same amount per month as other providers that have IPv6 in there plans. 


Hi @MattieG,


We don't currently offer IPv6 at the moment, and I have not been advised of a time frame when we plan to role IPv6 out.





Level 2

Not to rehash the depressing fact to much, but to be frank I find it quite hilarious that TPG still doesn't support a standard more then two decades old. For a brand or business so 'dedicated' to the future of Australia's internet infrastructure I don't see much movement toward helping remove NAT and lower the congestion on the IPv4 network. Oh, and to make it all even more amusing their site & signup severs support IPv6 as I just created an account and posted here all on a IPv6 only connection.

Level 2
There is a financial incentive for providers to slow and or inhibit the progress of IPv6.

The cost of IPv4 allocations makes it prohibitively expensive for new competitors/ISP’s to appear in the market. (New providers would need to purchase IPv4 blocks.) Keeping the net dependent on IPv4 is an effective anti-competitive measure.
Level 3

@MattieG wrote:

Does TPG have a timeframe on when IPv6 will be used? I have been a loyal TPG customer however if there is no IPv6 available I will look at other alternatives. 

I am paying the same amount per month as other providers that have IPv6 in there plans. 

And what are you missing out on ?

Level 2

Eliminating Network Address Translation, for one.

Level 3

@Kwijibo wrote:

@MattieG wrote:

Does TPG have a timeframe on when IPv6 will be used? I have been a loyal TPG customer however if there is no IPv6 available I will look at other alternatives. 

I am paying the same amount per month as other providers that have IPv6 in there plans. 

And what are you missing out on ?

Being able to use and test IPv6 services!

My 2022 plan is to find a provider who natively supports IPv6. I hope that will be TPG.

Not applicable

Hi @tonyallan,


We will post an article on our Website, Social Media Pages and here in the community for any IPv6 related update when it becomes available.





@Kwijibo wrote:
@MattieG wrote:

Does TPG have a timeframe on when IPv6 will be used? I have been a loyal TPG customer however if there is no IPv6 available I will look at other alternatives. 

I am paying the same amount per month as other providers that have IPv6 in there plans. 

And what are you missing out on ?

Being able to use and test IPv6 services!

My 2022 plan is to find a provider who natively supports IPv6. I hope that will be TPG.