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Wi-Fi / internet is not working

Level 3
Is TPG outrage in the past 2 days? Already the 3rd day, it is either disconnected easily or extremely slow. What happen? Tried to call, but always high volume and need to wait 20 mins +....sigh.... Pls TPG respond....
Level 3
Got a TPG technician came over this afternoon and checked, find out it is network problem, now need to wait for NBN to send someone to fix the issue next week (hopefully).

In the past, when I was using ADSL 5 years seldom had a problem. After changed to NBN, only 1 year already few incidents.

I was told it is actually connected internet, as all the modern and NBN box green lights are properly on, just the network unstable keep logging me out, and so slow that I cannot notice it is working.... Sigh....
Not applicable

Hi @spiderchon,


Thanks for raising this to us. We can see that our Engineering Team is now working with this case. We will pass this on to them for additional reference. Based on the latest log on the escalated fault. We have identified that the issue is with the network controlled by the NBN co. This unfortunately means only NBN co. technicians have the authority to fix this fault. Updates will be provided when it's available.


Let us know should you require further assistance.



Level 2

What does it mean? Only NBN co can fix it so everybody that uses NBN connection in the area cannot connect to internet right now? So we get a service that you don't have any power on it?

I'm so tired of giving TPG chances. I have switched to NBN three days ago after 1 year of unreliable service from TPG ADSL but wanted to give you guys another chance. Stupid decision. Now I'm getting 0.1 Mbps download speed. 


I'm so glad I'm not in a lock-in contract. Bye, TPG.


Hi @pmkall32,


If there's any fault within the network or infrastructure, NBN Co is the one who has the authority to fix it. All service providers who resale NBN broadband relies with them.


As your service provider, if you are experiencing issues with the service, we will run some diagnostics in order to lodge any issues with them and ask for a technician if required.


We were able to locate your account using your community details and have run some test, but was not able to detect any fault.


We've reset your connection remotely to refresh your service. Please check the speed again and keep us posted with the update.


