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How do I cancel my NBN service?
Hi @DSL3500A,
I understand that you've been in contact with our Accounts team via email. Further updates will be given by them.
Let us know should you require further assistance.
Kind regards,
Hi @DSL3500A,
Welcome to TPG Community!
We regret to hear that you've decided to cancel your service. Please shoot me a private message with your TPG username or CID number along with your preferred time and best number to be contacted. I'll arrange a call from our Accounts team to discuss the process.
Kind regards,
Hi @DSL3500A,
I understand that you've been in contact with our Accounts team via email. Further updates will be given by them.
Let us know should you require further assistance.
Kind regards,
Can you please orgnise to cancel my nbn service my username is mathewwood44
@Mathewwood44 I'm sorry to hear that you wish to cancel the service with us. If you have any particular concerns in which you wish to raise with us, we would be happy to assist.
Can you please PM your preferred contact number and time availability so I can have someone assist you.
Joseph D
Hi Basil Can you organise to cancel my services? my user name is zaheerazam