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duplication of emails received when only one sent.

Level 3

Over many weeks I have had trouble with BCC.  I eventually figured out that If I sent one email with 1 BCC - then ten people got ten copies of the same email - usually it had an attachment.   Also that my ISP could not differentiate  BCC clients - but eventually I stopped using BCC.


Some days ago, I sent an email to France.  One email, one person, one attachment.   The reply was that it arrived four times - the same email.


Any ideas



Not applicable

Hi @Lucy,


Thanks for raising this to us. We recommend to change your TPG password and perform full scan to your computer to prevent a potential virus affecting this issue.


Let us know how it will go.





Over many weeks I have had trouble with BCC.  I eventually figured out that If I sent one email with 1 BCC - then ten people got ten copies of the same email - usually it had an attachment.   Also that my ISP could not differentiate  BCC clients - but eventually I stopped using BCC.


Some days ago, I sent an email to France.  One email, one person, one attachment.   The reply was that it arrived four times - the same email.


Any ideas



Level 3

Hello Shane.


I have changed my password.  I have scanned my computer - and my MS Firewall tells me that everything is OK with green ticks.  When the firewall scans - it does its thing.    I also scan with Glarys.  Then restart.  I do not tick the registry for a scan because, like the spotted dog and the fire truck, if Glarys caught up with something, I wouldn't know what to do with it.  Having used your approach, I must now select a receipient or two that will not send me an angry e-mail over excessive downloads of one item...that is to come.    Now I have another Problem. this keeps turning up.


Pop up.JPGNo matter what one does - it comes back time an again.  No getting rid of it.

Any help appreciated with the latter - the former I have to test out myself over the next day or so.

I am 81 years old...but what was once simple is getting more complicated by the day


Thanks for help




Hi @Lucy . Regarding the email to France, were you using Post Office (webmail) or a mail client? If client, which one and what device is it on?

Whichever method you used, can you send a mail to yourself with the attachment. Put your address in the To field and send another one with your address in just the BCC field.


@Lucy have you updated the outlook with the latest password?


You can try changing the server to Please see general set up for email on the link below.


Kind regards,

Joseph D

Level 3

I changed the settings.  Nothing works now. Can't even get a test email


I am having a cross problem.  TPG Postmaster thinks I am sending Spam and everything is blocked.

my email address, my alias....  My phone does have a dial tone.   I would rather set things back how they worked for years.  and use my original password.




@Lucy  are you able to send/receive email via


It is possible that our system has detected that your email is compromised.


Please send an email to and advise them you have reset your password and request to have your email unblocked.


Kind regards,

Joseph D



Level 3

Hello Joseph _D


Yes, I have been able to send email via TPG Post Office.


Yesterday I spent a very long time talking with a tech at TPG.  He asked me to leave my mobile phone on all day, and he would ring me back...I think he went to see someone elsewhere.  He didn't ring back.


I opened my Outlook this morning and emails were coming in.  I tentatively sent emails to two people at testers for them to reply - they went and I got replies, using my Outlook.  So the young man I spoke to Must have got the wheels of Insdustry turning, and things were set right overnight.


I just need to be in touch with the outside world and it had me worried.


So, now...if it's working and it ain't broke (at the moment), I shan't try to fix it.


Thank you all for trying to help.   It has been very good of you,




@Lucy  I'm glad that your email is now working properly and yes I agree, let's leave it at that for now.



Joseph D