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geolocation resolves to wrong location

Level 2

Yes, I have changed my location in Google Maps many, many times and the problem persists on the one computer. Why would that be? I obviously cannot contact Google Maps. Also, it just doesn't explain why it works fine on my iphone and on my laptop.  Thanks again.

Level 2

Hi Sam. Did you ever find a solution to this irritating problem? 

Level 2

I've got exactly the same problem.  This thread started three years ago and remains unresolved.  Not good!

Level 2

This is an issue for me, my devices in my home think im in South Australia, so everything is 30 mins behind the time it should be?


How are we to fix this please?

Level 2 points all the respective services to Adelaide... Where I am in Ballarat, Victoria. As others have mentioned this effects the use of streaming platforms and off sets it by 30 mins.. TPG.. we need a better resolution for this.. and more so because we are dynamic IPs, and when a reset. Or power outage happens. The IP changes. Yet still puts us back in SA.. can you please resolve this.
Level 2

Same deal here but Im in adelaide and it thinks im in perth.

Tracert to google shows my data goes from adelaide -> perth -> melbourne. Its making gaming impossible (ping is double) and things are much slower.

Regular occurrence tbh. I've posted here, rang customer service and always keep getting told "someone is looking into it"

Community Manager

We'll check it out, @Jinx00000.


Are you able to send me a PM?


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