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mail filter settings

Level 2

Hullo all. I am having 6 or more emails per day incorrectly directed into my spam folder on the tpg server. The options under Settings -> Mail Filter Settings, address filters is greyed out with square sad-face image. I contacted the messaging company and they said that it was an issue at tpg's end. Does anyone have any advice?! Thank you


Hi @walkerp,


Is this via webmail or email client? If your email address has been moved to TMC, you will need to contact The Messaging Company about support for your email service as TPG will no longer be able to assist.

You can call The Messaging Company on 07 3497 3566,  submit a new request to their Support Centre or reach out via



Level 2

Thank you. I have opted to migrate to TMC but am still using the tpg webmail client. I did email TMC twice. They replied each time that this problem was at TPG’s end.


I did not realise, until your response, that is a webmail portal separate to 


So thank you, I will try to log-in at the TMC portal. A very helpful reply from you!

I may not yet actually be migrated, since my log-in did not work. I will contact TMC directly. Thanks again.


No worries, @walkerp


@Ahra_G . I have been unable to access my address filters IN POST OFFICE since I registered with TMC before the deadline last year. I get the same sad face as the above user. TPG hasn't offered a proper reason as to why address filters are not available. Registering with TMC would allow them to know how many mail addresses they will get (eg. 10,000 or 100,000 or whatever).

Nothing should have changed at that point. I had lost mail, delayed mail and have moved most of the important mail elsewhere. The TPG mail server has been quite reliable for over 20 years. The Post Office web server hasn't been managed as well.  The mail transfer to TMC has been poorly designed and managed.

BTW, I haven't been transferred yet.

Level 2

Thank you. TMC responded very quickly, and directed me to tpg again. I am not migrated either. I have sent the tpg helpdesk three emails, with no response. Very disappointing. I need to re-visit staying with TPG as my ISP.

Level 2

Hullo again. i rang tpg. they were helpful but cannot remove the greyed-out mail filter option. They suggested i reset my filitering options to low (normal) and will ring me to see how that goes. otherwise I guess two other options to consider there are, No filtering or Send spam to inbox but labelled spam. Fingers crossed.