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setting up a personal web server on my Archer VR1600v

Level 2

Hi there,

I am looking to put a personal web server on the www,  The server will be low traffic (its currently the apache 'it works' page and will mostly serve the occasional file to me remotely).  The problem is I have no idea how to connect the raspberry pi to the web.


What router settings do I use? The router is an Archer VR1600v and how do I set up a dynamic DNS service.


Thanks in advance




Hi @ozjohnno .

Will the Pi be the device doing the file serving? What interfaces and software does it have?

The server device will need a reserved ip address in the local network outside the DHCP range of the Archer; eg.

Also set up port forwarding. The router directs frames for a particular port number to a specified local ip address and port. Eg. Apache using port 80; FTP using port 21.

Since the router has a dynamic ip address, create a Dynamic DNS account with DynDNS or NO-IP. Eg. With NO-IP, create a free account; choose a name for your site; NO-IP appends . They send an email each month to remind you to refresh your account.
Configure DDNS in router. Advanced/Network/Dynamic DNS. Select provider. Enter details and click Login. Router connects to provider and sends current public ip address. As well as when the ip address changes during normal operation.

Level 2

Mate here a good lot of guides

but I'm having a problem where the ports 80 and 443 are forwarded but it keeps taking me back to the modems login screen at the part where you test connection let me known how you go, please.

also if a TPG rep is looking at this what going on enter public IP with port 80 at the end eg and it keep taking me back to the modems login page is this not a security risk


@djboob1966 . I've opened this thread which has been referred to the technical team. So we'll have to wait a bit.

which you have posted on.

In the meantime, you should change the admin password to be more secure.

You could post a screenshot of the Virtual Servers setup.