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Several internet dropouts yesterday 20 Jan, 2 more today (one in the middle of a phone call)
and now can't ring out from the home phone.
Neither does it ring when calling via mobile phone.
Can somebody please report this to tech dept?
Thank you.
Cancel the report. Phone is now working again.
Second time this has happened - contact Community and phone finally connects.
Should not have to go through this bother.
Something needs to be done to fix these dropouts.
Thursday and Friday - dropouts
Okay over the weekend.
Monday - dropouts
Today Tuesday - dropouts. Over an hour trying to get the green lights on the NBN box and
the green lights on the modem. Powercycled both with no result.
I will check logs tomorrow again for the dropouts.
Can't email TPG as no internet. Can't ring TPG as home phone won't work.
Just have to wait for it to come back on of its own accord - until it drops out again.
Hi 6727296
Thanks for the update.
We checked the account and learned that your service was affected by an unplanned outage yesterday.
This was resolved by the attending NBN technician after they replaced the faulty network hardware.
Let us know if you need further assistance.