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No phone line, no technical support

Level 2

I requested our Bizphone account be cancelled and we revert to our original phone and NBN bundle. I was assured the incoming calls wouldn't be affected. We're now without a phone line and losing thousands in sales due to customers not being able to contact us. I've spent hours on hold waiting for someone to answer the technical support line, as well as requesting a call back from the TPG chat support but am getting NO RESPONSE. TPG was helpful yesterday and it didn't take long to get through to technical support, but nowm crickets. Is have you just put this case in the "too hard" basket? THIS IS A BUSINESS CRITICAL ISSUE AND WE NEED IT RECTIFIED ASAP!


Hi @clintone1981 


We'd like to have a better understanding of the situation and see how can we help.


Please send us a private message with your account details.



Level 2

No, I'm not repeating the issue again. This is precisely the problem. Why can't you actually go in and view my file and the current issue we're facing based on my login credentials instead of having to repeat the problem to the 18th different TPG employee? I've finally been assigned a dedicated team member to assist with this issue but it seems only after calling and using chat help relentlessly all day, and making a complaint here, that I finally get some attention. Wednesday I was just constantly transferred and transferred to so many different team members, each time needing to explain the situation because they didn't quite seem to understand it completely - or they didn't even read the existing case file.


We'd love to help, however, there's no account details linked to your profile.


If you still need assistance, just send a private message with your account details and we will take it from there.

