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Yealink and Nexttelecom softphone stopped working with FTTP upgrade

Level 2



For Years i had a FTTN connection to my home, I have a softphone on my PC from Nexttelecom our phone provider for work, plus a Yealink desk phone.


Both have been working without issue.


Now i have been upgraded to FTTP, Still with the same Modem. 

Both the phone and Softphone have stopped working.


I am not the only one this has happened to.  We have other staff members with TPG who have experienced the same thing when upgraded to FTTP.


I have checked the modem and SIP ALG is turned off, but for **s and giggles i enabled it, rebooted the modem, still the same result.


Of course I have been told as have other people from TPG that there is nothing different at their end.


However the softphone and desktop phone still have no service.


I can see in the Admin console of our phone system that the Yealink is talking to the server.  So it gets its number and config on the screen.  Just no service to call out or receive calls.


Does anyone have a fix for this?  Other than moving to another Provider, lol


The Idea of the NBN was to get rid of copper lines and use IP phones.  Seems that only works in some situations.






Hi @adsl63xy . What is the model of your wifi router?

Is the Yealink an analog or IP phone?

With FTTP, the analog phone connects to a UNI-V port on FTTP box.

An IP phone connects to router and is programmed with the VOIP provider's details. 

Same deal with PC/Softphone.

If you have a Bundled NBN/VOIP plan, there was a router config change going from FTTN to FTTP to disable VLAN tagging. This can't be an issue else the internet would not work.


Did you do factory reset on the router at changeover? There might be some missed setting.

Can you find out from Nexttelecom the target ip addresses and port numbers for the phone functions.  On your PC, use  telnet  command to check the end to end routing.

Level 2

Hi david64, Thank you for your reply,

The answers to your questions:


What is the model of your wifi router?

TP-Link Archer VR1600


Is the Yealink an analog or IP phone?

IP phone


An IP phone connects to router and is programmed with the VOIP provider's details.

Same deal with PC/Softphone.

Already configured with the Nexttelecom connection details. As i said was working fine when FTTN was the connection.


If you have a Bundled NBN/VOIP plan, there was a router config change going from FTTN to FTTP to disable VLAN tagging. This can't be an issue else the internet would not work.

No Bundle, phone is connecting out my work phone provider not a TPG account.


Did you do factory reset on the router at changeover? There might be some missed setting.

No, I was told there was nothing to change in the modem. Internet is working fine.



Can you find out from Nexttelecom the target ip addresses and port numbers for the phone functions. On your PC, use telnet command to check the end to end routing.

No target IP address, It is a web address in both cases that the phone and softphone connect to. Which i can connect to when using a web browser no issue.



Level 7

@david64 wrote:


With FTTP, the analog phone connects to a UNI-D port on FTTP box.

Actually, the Uni-V1 port on the NTD box for TPG FTTP VOIP. Some other RSPs continue to provide VOIP via 'Tel' on the router (as TPG did for FTTN).

BTW, in my case VOIP took a couple of days to come good. I could dial out straight away but callers in could not reach me. A quick call to TPG (or the system delaya) soon fixed it


@adsl63xy . I can't think how the connections are different

You can search in Community for  yealink  . Other users have had problems.

Options: change provider. Does the softphone function have an error log? Or, do packet capture on PC and at Nexttelecom for the PC softphone function.  Some part of the softphone function is not getting through. 

Level 2

Hey David, 


Did you find a solution to this issue ?


I "upgraded" from FTTN to FTTP earlier in the week, prior to switching over my soptphone had worked for years with no issue then when my connection was switched over .  . . issues, I can make and receive calls but there are issues with audio . . its just dead . .  nothing ! 


I havnt been able to get hold of support yet but i`ll keep trying but im not expecting a soltiuon from them to be honest !





@jw280456 . What model wifi router do you have?
If a TPG-supplied one, were you using the VOIP phone function on FTTN connection?

With FTTP, the phone connects to UNI-V port on FTTP box.

And a change to the router config: Disable VLAN ID.

The softphone is a program that runs on the computer and uses the computer's internet connection to connect to a phone server. The computer's microphone and speaker (via headset) are attached to the softphone application. If they aren't, that would explain the lack of audio in each direction.

Each end should be unaware of the type of connection.


In the router config, can you find a setting for SIP ALG? Reading on internet suggests it should be disabled.

I can't explain the problem you're having.