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landline not working

Level 2
Level 2

My ADSL2 landline is not working and hasn't for some time.  There is no dial tone and when someone calls it appears normal except I  can't hear the phone ring.  I have tried to chat online with TPG many times without success. 


Is the ringer volume turned up on the phone?

If you call from your mobile phone, is there any indication on the phone?

Do you have another phone? Is the filter/splitter connected the right way?

Is the internet side of things working ok?

If internet works and you rule out the phone, it looks like a Telstra problem at the exchange. You could try calling Telstra 132203.

Level 2
Level 2

Hi David64,


Thank you for your suggestions.  Unfortunately I tried all your suggestions but with no luck and the internet is also not working.  Thank you again for your suggestions. 


If you call your landline from another phone and hear ringing but nothing on the landline phone, and the internet not working, sounds like line fault between exchange and your house or cabling in your house.


Hi there yyl,


Welcome to the community,


Could you please send me a PM (private message) with your CID (customer identication number) or your mobile phone number so can look at this service for you Smiley Happy


kind regards