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5ghz wifi loses connection archer vr1600v

Level 2
14 pages and tpg still think the modems are ok. I never had an issue in till recently when our work changed the way we do things and we upload 100-200gig per week.

The large files 10-15 gig would disconnect the 5ghz

I thought I was going crazy had about 10 calls with tpg and still not sorted.

On 2.4 it seems ok but just takes longer.

I’m moving to ABB when we move into our house and using google nest.

I hope you guys get this sorted as TPG FTTB has been great until recently
Level 2

I would like to add to the chorus of unhappy customers having issues with 5Ghz connectivity. Who knows, maybe the more that post about the issue the more TPG can't ignore it!


Router:  Archer VR1600v v2 (Firmware Version:1.1.0 0.9.1 v5006.0 Build 200826 Rel.77218n)

Issue:  All my devices connected via 5Ghz wi-fi lose all connectivity to the router

Resolution:  The only solution is to "turn it off and on again" and wait the few mins to reconnect!

Other info: 

  • I'm using an FTTB connection within an apartment building
  • 2.4Ghz wi-fi still works most of the time (although on rare occasions even 2.4Ghz loses connectivity as well)
  • All the green lights on the router that are usually green are still green when 5Ghz dropouts occur
  • Wi-fi interference is not an issue - I live in a small apartment with very short distances from router to my wireless devices, and utilise a 5Ghz channel that is not used much by neighbouring apartments


  • Appears to happen regularly when using full upload bandwidth
  • Interestingly dropouts only seem to occur when uploading outside of the home network (i.e. over the internet). Connectivity dropouts do not occur when I'm transferring large files within my own network, e.g. from my PC (using 5Ghz wi-fi) to my NAS (using ethernet)
  • Recently I've noticed dropouts occur when trying to backup a whole bunch of old photos to OneDrive (even 2.4Ghz dropped out after a while)
  • Just this morning it happened when trying to upload a single 25MB file to OneDrive


I'm at the end of my patience with this issue, and judging by the lack of fix or acknowledgement from TPG regarding this issue being a hardware/firmware issue I am now looking to find another provider, which is a shame!


Cheers, from an unsatisfied and frustrated customer.

Not applicable

Hi @jungleboygeorge,

Let us go ahead and fix this dropout issue affecting the service. If the dropout only occur when the upload speed is being utilised this could probably caused by Data Bandwidth Issue. Could you send us a PM With your details (Username/Customer ID) together with the address on file.

How to send a PM? 



I would like to add to the chorus of unhappy customers having issues with 5Ghz connectivity. Who knows, maybe the more that post about the issue the more TPG can't ignore it!


Router:  Archer VR1600v v2 (Firmware Version:1.1.0 0.9.1 v5006.0 Build 200826 Rel.77218n)

Issue:  All my devices connected via 5Ghz wi-fi lose all connectivity to the router

Resolution:  The only solution is to "turn it off and on again" and wait the few mins to reconnect!

Other info: 

  • I'm using an FTTB connection within an apartment building
  • 2.4Ghz wi-fi still works most of the time (although on rare occasions even 2.4Ghz loses connectivity as well)
  • All the green lights on the router that are usually green are still green when 5Ghz dropouts occur
  • Wi-fi interference is not an issue - I live in a small apartment with very short distances from router to my wireless devices, and utilise a 5Ghz channel that is not used much by neighbouring apartments


  • Appears to happen regularly when using full upload bandwidth
  • Interestingly dropouts only seem to occur when uploading outside of the home network (i.e. over the internet). Connectivity dropouts do not occur when I'm transferring large files within my own network, e.g. from my PC (using 5Ghz wi-fi) to my NAS (using ethernet)
  • Recently I've noticed dropouts occur when trying to backup a whole bunch of old photos to OneDrive (even 2.4Ghz dropped out after a while)
  • Just this morning it happened when trying to upload a single 25MB file to OneDrive


I'm at the end of my patience with this issue, and judging by the lack of fix or acknowledgement from TPG regarding this issue being a hardware/firmware issue I am now looking to find another provider, which is a shame!


Cheers, from an unsatisfied and frustrated customer.

Level 2

@Anonymous wrote:

Hi @jungleboygeorge,

Let us go ahead and fix this dropout issue affecting the service. If the dropout only occur when the upload speed is being utilised this could probably caused by Data Bandwidth Issue. Could you send us a PM With your details (Username/Customer ID) together with the address on file.

Hi Shane,


Not sure how a bandwidth issue could cause all my devices to lose 5Ghz connectivity requiring a router restart? But I guess I'm no expert. For additional context... it's not an issue that occurs every time (I just ran a speed test using without any issues, recording 33Mbps upload speed). But when it does occur my only option is a router restart.


I've sent through my details via private message.

Not applicable

We got! We appreciate the additional details. We managed to perform initial test the result shows no line fault that could cause dropouts. We will raise this to our Technical Team for investigation and assessment. Please send us a PM with your best contact number and preferred time tomorrow.


Hi Shane,


Not sure how a bandwidth issue could cause all my devices to lose 5Ghz connectivity requiring a router restart? But I guess I'm no expert. For additional context... it's not an issue that occurs every time (I just ran a speed test using without any issues, recording 33Mbps upload speed). But when it does occur my only option is a router restart.


I've sent through my details via private message.

Level 2



I am facing the dropout too. My modem versions are below.


Firmware Version: 0.1.0 0.9.1 v5006.0 Build 210413 Rel.19548n

Hardware Version: Archer VR1600v v2.0 00000000


Is there an update available to fix the issue?





Not applicable

Hi @sibimathayis,


What troubleshooting have you performed so far? Could you shoot us a PM with your details so we can check the modem's current firmware.

How to send a PM? 






I am facing the dropout too. My modem versions are below.


Firmware Version: 0.1.0 0.9.1 v5006.0 Build 210413 Rel.19548n

Hardware Version: Archer VR1600v v2.0 00000000


Is there an update available to fix the issue?




Level 2

Just joined the forum as my Archer has now lost 5G totally.


It looks like the unit has become faulty over time and now is finally broken. The issues started with needing reboots when the speed would drop to less than 1mbps and then this evening no device can see 5G any more.


The archer says 5G is running and the SSID isnt hidden, yet it is not visible to any device. 


Done lots of reboots and still am only able to connect on normal 2.4 Wifi which means Im not making use of my mega fast  connection anymore.


Firmware Version: 0.1.0 0.9.1 v5006.0 Build 200810 Rel.53181n
Hardware Version: Archer VR1600v v2 00000000
Not applicable

Hi @LongTerm,


There are different types of dropouts that you may experience:


1. Network dropouts, this dropout is caused by a line fault on TPG or NBN's network. Affecting all device(s) LAN/Wireless connected to the modem/router this may require a real-time test and investigation by our Technicians and Engineers.


2. Wireless dropouts, this issue only affects the device(s) connected via Wi-Fi which can easily be fix by doing adjustment to the modem/router's settings.


3. Dropouts caused by ongoing outage in your area. 


Have you tried performing a factory reset to them? This can be done by pushing the reset hole at the back panel of the modem. 


Shoot us a PM with your details so we can proceed with the initial investigation.


How to send a PM? 




Just joined the forum as my Archer has now lost 5G totally.


It looks like the unit has become faulty over time and now is finally broken. The issues started with needing reboots when the speed would drop to less than 1mbps and then this evening no device can see 5G any more.


The archer says 5G is running and the SSID isnt hidden, yet it is not visible to any device. 


Done lots of reboots and still am only able to connect on normal 2.4 Wifi which means Im not making use of my mega fast  connection anymore.


Firmware Version: 0.1.0 0.9.1 v5006.0 Build 200810 Rel.53181n

Hardware Version: Archer VR1600v v2 00000000

Level 2

I'll answer your questions below:


>There are different types of dropouts that you may experience:


>1. Network dropouts, this dropout is caused by a line fault on TPG or NBN's network. Affecting all device(s) LAN/Wireless connected to the modem/router this may require a real-time test and investigation by our Technicians and Engineers.


My ethernet connected devices are fine, its the Wifi that is not working correctly


>2. Wireless dropouts, this issue only affects the device(s) connected via Wi-Fi which can easily be fix by doing adjustment to the modem/router's settings.


The router is in the same place (and so are my devices) as they have been since I got the router a few years back. 


The 2.4 Wifi works fine, the 5G is the one that comes and goes. Yesterday evening nothing could see it, this morning it was visible etc. 


>3. Dropouts caused by ongoing outage in your area. 


>Have you tried performing a factory reset to them? This can be done by pushing the reset hole at the back panel of the modem. 


Ive pushed the resent hole button. It makes a lovely solid clicking noise. But... nothing happens. All lights stay lit and the unit stays on.


I will message you, but really this router has been problematical in its 5G guise for over a year now, but its intermittant so its not like I can 'prove it beyond doubt' as it wont 'stay broken'. 


I wanted to report it on this thread as its another failing 5G on an Archer vr1600. I expect mine is out of warranty now, but it wasnt when it started to drop out.