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Archer VR1600v v2.0 Firmware update

Level 2



The current firmware for the my Archer VR1600v v2 is as per the below:
Firmware Version: 0.1.0 0.9.1 v5006.0 Build 220518 Rel.32480n

Hardware Version: Archer VR1600v v2 00000000


The modem's WiFi seems unstable and seems not always of good quality.


Can you please provide me with the latest firmware so I can update the modem?


Hi @acebomberman 


The modem/router is already running with the latest firmware available.


For WiFi concerns, please check these articles that we've made to help you improve your home WiFi network.


Easy Steps to Improve Wi-Fi Connection In Your Home

Wireless Channel on your modem - what is it and why should I change it?


Let us know how it goes.

Level 2

Hi there, I have the exact same modem and firmware version and have been looking for solutions to a similar problem.  In the past few weeks it has been dropping the Internet connection, although the Wifi network is still up.  Internet is recovered within about a minute or so, but it happens multiple times a day.


A screenshot of the log file with the most recent dropped connection is attached.  I can share the full log file if required.


Can you please advise if this is a firmware issue, or other possible cause - and what the fix might be?

Not applicable

Hey, @tengwirda ,


There are 3 possible cause of dropouts. 


  • Faulty line
  • Faulty modem
  • Wireless dropouts


To better understand the situation, shoot me a PM with your details so we can rectify this ASAP.

How to send a PM? 




Hi there, I have the exact same modem and firmware version and have been looking for solutions to a similar problem.  In the past few weeks it has been dropping the Internet connection, although the Wifi network is still up.  Internet is recovered within about a minute or so, but it happens multiple times a day.


A screenshot of the log file with the most recent dropped connection is attached.  I can share the full log file if required.


Can you please advise if this is a firmware issue, or other possible cause - and what the fix might be?

Level 2

Hi. My firmware is on 0.1.0 0.9.1 v5006.0 Build 200810 Rel.53181n. Where can I download the most recent firmware so I can update my Archer VR1600V v2?

Thank you

Not applicable

Hi @mikanafam ,


Let us help check the latest firmware on the modem. Could you send me a message with your details?


How to send a PM? 




Hi. My firmware is on 0.1.0 0.9.1 v5006.0 Build 200810 Rel.53181n. Where can I download the most recent firmware so I can update my Archer VR1600V v2?

Thank you

Level 2

Hi my firmware is older version, can you please update this as newer version?


1.1.0 0.9.1 v5006.0 Build 200826 Rel.77218n





Hi @hmyang2, let's grab your account details via PM and we'll go from there. 

Level 2

Hi TpLink team

I have an Archer VR1600v Ver2.0 and would like to know if it has the latest firmware, please. 

My son has a school assignment due and all a sudden the one computer that is 'grunty' enough to run the program he needs to complete the asssigment is not connecting to wifi. Other computers (Macs) are. Troubleshooting advice I have followed suggests checking firmware update for our router. 

Some help would be really appreciated. 



Hi @smarks801,


If you're familiar on how to access your modem's page, you may send us a screenshot or send it through via private message and we'll check it for you. 

