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Connecting Telstra Gateway v7610 FTTP not working

Level 2



As per heading
Followed FTTP guide plugged in WAN port from NBN box
Added TPG username and password


Anything else required ?


TPG VR1600 works fine, this is fw version am I up to date ?

Firmware Version: 0.1.0 0.9.1 v5006.0 Build 200810 Rel.53181n
Hardware Version: Archer VR1600v v1 00000000

Just having check on it all looking to boost rather than fix things



Not applicable

Hi, davlap12.

For FTTP if you wish to use 3rd party modem make sure that the connection mode of the modem is on PPPoE and using correct TPG username and password.

Note: Some of modem/router requires to use a domain (i.e or


On the other hand, I can confirm that the VR1600's Firmware is up-to-date.





As per heading
Followed FTTP guide plugged in WAN port from NBN box
Added TPG username and password


Anything else required ?


TPG VR1600 works fine, this is fw version am I up to date ?

Firmware Version: 0.1.0 0.9.1 v5006.0 Build 200810 Rel.53181n
Hardware Version: Archer VR1600v v1 00000000


Just having check on it all looking to boost rather than fix things



Level 2

Thanks for replying


The modem was set  to PPPoE and using correct TPG username and password.
There is nowhere to put the domain in. There is a service name I tried with TPG but didn't work


I have now set it up as a wifi router so it works OK with the vr1600 as the modem

Thanks for confirming the VR1600's Firmware is up-to-date.




@davlap12 . The domain is just    added on to your username.

Level 2
Thanks, tried change to username, still not connecting
Strange thing, of I save the settings they come back empty.
I restored from backup with username filled in

@davlap12 . Have you read the user manual?

In Internet setup, have you selected Use WAN Uplink Mode?

What is the state of the WAN and Internet lights?

Look at the WAN port on rear of router. What is the state of the indicator light?


Level 2
yes, selected uplink mode (and tried off)
Internet light off, wan on
wan port light on, green I think
I had to go back to vr1600 so not currently connected
Manual is basic, should be straight forward, nothing to do other than what has been said here.