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FritzBox 7490 with DECT phones

Level 2

I have an FB 7490 modem/router currently connected to an AussieBroadband FTTN line. The FB 7490 also supports a local network of four DECT phones which is linked to the public net via a Vonex VOIP service.


My first question is:

Can this bundle, including the VOIP service which has two associated public network telephone numbers,  be transferred to a TPG account with minimum interruption ? 

My second question is:

How would I go about it?





Hi mayrog,


The modem should work with TPG BYO plan, the article below discusses the set up required. As for your VOIP service with 2 telephone numbers, a consumer plan may not be able to handle this. Can you send us a PM with your name and contact details so I can arrange for a Business Solutions Specialist give you a ring?


How to set up FRITZ!Box 7490 BYO modem for NBN - TPG Community


Kind regards,

Joseph D