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Help! my new TCL smart TV won't connect to the internet

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Level 3

Hi Guru Moderator!

my new TCL smart TV doesn't detect my wifi (Sagemcom Fast 5866t router) which effectively knocks out any chance of conecting to Google Home and Google TV.

I'm not too geeky so please be very 'basic' with your response...I need some very practical walk-through steps please :-)

Thank you in advance


Accepted Solutions
Level 3

Hi @david64 - thank you for all your help.


this will make you smile...

I contacted the kind TCL support folks to see if there was something faulty with the TV (just to tick it off the list...process of elimination, right?).

Their resolution:

  1. turn off the TV...from the power socket.
  2. turn on the TV manually, ensuring I hold down the on/off button for at least 20 seconds

...and now everything is right with the world - wifi has been detected, Google TV set up, apps loaded.


I suppose it's an updated version of the tech-solution from the 1970's - the old "keep hitting the side of the TV with the palm of your hand until the picture returns" 


however, like I say @david64, I am grateful for your suggestions - you have a great 2024!


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Hi @phitchen333 . Is your TV close enough to the Sagemcom to connect using ethernet cable?

If not, do you still have your old router? What model is it?

It might be possible to connect the old router to Sagemcom and use the old router to connect the TV.

Level 3

Hi @david64 and thanks for responding.

Unfortunately I don't have my old router and the Sagemcom is in another room - I thought the signal may be getting blocked by walls but my Macbook and phone are all connected ok to the wifi


@phitchen333 . On the Macbook and phone, if you check the properties of the wifi connection on each, does it say what security setting is being used?

Is the TV using the same setting?

Do you know if there is a software update for the TV?

Many users have had this problem of their device not connecting to Sagemcom wifi.

Level 3

Hi @david64 the "seurity type" in the wifi settings is set to WPA2.

The TV was just delivered a few hours ago so I'd hope it's not needing an update already


@phitchen333 . What wifi band are you trying for the TV? 2.4GHz or 5GHz? Is it same as Macbook and phone?

2.4 band has greater range than 5 band.

Other options:

assign TV to a band by itself, set no security, and Hide SSID; 

set up a guest network for TV, no security, hide SSID.


Level 3

Hi @david64 ...thanks for the suggestions - unfortunately now I'm lost in the mist of tech dumbness.

Questions I'm thinking now are:

  1. should I ask TPG for a replacement router that will be compatible? (and how's that done?)
  2. if I need to change some settings on the Sagemcom router how's that done?...and what should I change?
  3. should I go back to JB HIFI and get someone to get this all set up correctly? (or would they just point me back to TPG?)

seems a huge amount of tech-level requirements that I had no idea about - is this something everyone experiences when buying these new smart TV's?


@phitchen333 . You are stuck with the Sagemcom for 5G broadband. Or, go back to NBN connection.

Many users have had a problem connecting to Sagemcom wifi. Solution has been to use the wifi of their old router and turn off Sagemcom wifi.

The Sagemcom might need a firmware upgrade. If you login to it, you can find the firmware details. Create a new thread for firmware upgrade. Paste in the firmware details. TPG will update firmware online if necessary. 

To make changes to Sagemcom, login using the ip address, and username and password on the label on Sagemcom. Select Wireless settings. There's no manual for Sagemcom so I can't say where things are. I don't think TPG will be any help with this. Do you know anyone who might be more familiar with this. 


Level 3

Hi @david64 - thank you for all your help.


this will make you smile...

I contacted the kind TCL support folks to see if there was something faulty with the TV (just to tick it off the list...process of elimination, right?).

Their resolution:

  1. turn off the TV...from the power socket.
  2. turn on the TV manually, ensuring I hold down the on/off button for at least 20 seconds

...and now everything is right with the world - wifi has been detected, Google TV set up, apps loaded.


I suppose it's an updated version of the tech-solution from the 1970's - the old "keep hitting the side of the TV with the palm of your hand until the picture returns" 


however, like I say @david64, I am grateful for your suggestions - you have a great 2024!