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Huawei HG659 bridge mode to Router only (asus RT-AX82U) FTTN

Level 3

I have read through multiple posts re: bridging and connecting routers to my Huawei HG659 via Bridging. (AP mode removes features on the ASUS router this is my I want to go down this path)

Post example: 

and found another which has thrown a few extra settings that I might try tweak after work with the hope that it helps (Not FTTN directly but it cant hrt to try) 


The issue I had is that is would just come up disconnected. before i spend another 5hrs on it to get it going I just want to see if what I am trying to do is actually possible?

TPG help desk said yes at 11:50pm last night but could really assist any further, and ASUS support just sent me a link on how to put it in AP mode.


Things you might need to know:

a) Huawei 659 DSL Modem Router (Wanting to put in Bridge Mode) - having to do bridge mode through 'Start Wizard', it wont allow me to do it through internet setings.

b) ASUS RT-AX82U (Router only) - Settings in images below



any help, even if the answer is to say it cant be done this way, will be appreciatied


Level 3

the process on this post I couldnt follow as I was not allowed to do it via my modem admin 


Hi @jimmyb83 . Can you try this.

On HG659, do you have an option PPPoE_Bridged. Look for where to set VLAN ID=2 for the internet connection? The HG659 has a VLAN setting somewhere because it is used for FTTN already.

On the Asus, just the regular PPPoE settings. No IPTV/VLAN required. Asus WAN port to HG659 LAN port.

Level 3

Hi @david64 thank for the reply,

I have searched everywhere and I cannot find any setting for the VLAN and to see if I can do a PPPoE_Bridged option, even when bridging it gives me no where to edit anything.

attached is what I see in internet settings. The edit section only shows my username and password and lets me edit and save it, nothing else.

I look and read what other people are able to edit on their modem and it seems that I cannot view as much as others. not sure if I can change that?

I have attached an image of my networks setting options, and internet services options

my options and system information in the maintain section I have posted belowmaintain and sys info.jpg


@jimmyb83 . In one of the pictures is an option Layer2Bridging. What does this give you? Layer 2 bridging is what you want the HG659 to do. Like a switch; what comes in on one port goes out another.

You might have to do some internet searching.

The users who have done this aren't saying how and the moderators don't know.

What version firmware does yours have? If it ends in "113", it might be latest.

Level 3

@david64 attached the layer2bridge options

my firmware version is V100R001C216B112


yeah I will keep looking, thank you for the help so far


@jimmyb83 . If you are willing to do a 6 month contract with TPG, they might give you a TP-Link VR1600 router for $10 delivery. Check with them. There are better instructions for putting the VR1600 into bridge mode.

Level 3

@david64 I will look into that for sure