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Huawei HG695 Modem faulty

Level 3

Just now I tried to connect to the internet and my LAN devices and once again the internet and WLAN LEDs are Frozen cannot connect to the internet and my Local devices. Now getting pretty pissed with this and ready to throw it into the rubbish.


Henry Przybycien

Not applicable

Hi @heich,


I do not have information on how to troubleshoot those devices but if its having issue connecting to the modem/router, I recommend to contact the manufacturer support to avoid incorrect troubleshooting. 



I ran an initial test again to the service it shows no line fault and connected for 1h 30m. When you say the Internet and WLAN leds are frozen does it mean its LIT UP? Because if its yes, it means the internet is working fine. It is possible that the devices that you are trying to connect is having issue to connect wirelessly.


Try to connect the LAPTOP directly via LAN/Ethernet cable and let me know if it will experience dropout the same with the other devices that is having issues. In the event that only the wireless devices are having issues with the connection to the modem, try to follow the troubleshooting of these articles.



On the other hand, I will raise this to the assigned Complaints Resolution Case Manager handling this case for additional reference. 



Just now I tried to connect to the internet and my LAN devices and once again the internet and WLAN LEDs are Frozen cannot connect to the internet and my Local devices. Now getting pretty pissed with this and ready to throw it into the rubbish.


Henry Przybycien

Level 3

I don't have any problems with my devices the problem is with the Huawei Modem. The modem has been working fine with my devices up to a month ago that's when the issues have started so the issue is the modem not my devices I have tried all known suggestions but it still continous to happen. I will contact the Telecommunication Industry Ombudsman as I don't see a satisfactory outcome for this issue.


Hi @heich


Recent update on your account indicated that a Complaints Resolution Case Manager has been assigned as a sole point of contact and will be reaching out to work towards a resolution. 


Kindly await updates via email and/or phone call. 



We apologise for the inconvenience. 



