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NBN connection box

Level 2
Just moved into the new building and it looks like our NBN box is missing all we have is the nbn coaxial cable coming in that doesn't connect to the modem you guys sent.

In the pictures the last tenants had when we bought the place they had a black box I am assuming is the NBN box and that isn't here any more.

If that isn't the case then you guys have sent a modem incompatible with the NBN cord in our apartment, please assist with my problem.

Hi ,


The NBN connection box is a pre-installed equipment. Hence, it may have been taken by the old tenant when they moved out. If there is no way for you to chase them to have the NTD back to your premises, you will need to request for a replacement by calling our Service Delivery Team at 1300023575 (office hours are from 8AM - 8PM SYD).


