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NBN modem replacement?

Level 2
Our home broadband failed during a violent electrical storm last night. No NBN outage in area. The Arris CM8200 seems to be dead - eg no lights and I tried testing it with neighbour's adapter (their NBN is fine). It is Xmas Eve; I've been stuck on phone to TPG tech support for over an hour... The callback service promises to hold place in queue (yet says next call back is 8am Xmas Day). Do I have to buy a new NBN modem - is that even possible at say Harvey Norman? For our kids summer uni courses - and a bit if entertainment over Xmas - I fear waiting a week for TPG to answer and then consider parcel posting a replacement. Graeme

Hi @laworr1966 . Do you think the Arris box is dead or just the power adaptor?

If just the adaptor, you can try to buy a replacement. The voltage must match and have at least the same current capacity and the proper plug for the unit..

The Arris manual states 12V DC and 2 Amps.

It's no good trying to buy an Arris box since it has to be registered with NBNCo and probably only got via TPG.

Do you have a 4G mobile phone with good data plan you might be able to dedicate for internet access over the weekend?


Hi @laworr1966 


As what @david64 suggested, you may try testing the NBN NTD with another adapter. 


You won't be able to purchase the actual box at any electronics store as it is only supplied by NBNCo. 


Send us a private message and we'll try to sort this out.



Level 2
The adapter is fine. The cable modem is dead. I found a new replacement on ebay for $60.
And just drove 70km return to pick it up. It is same Arris CM8200B, NBN branded. But despite NBN showing no outages in our area, the new modem powers up fine. But cycles through trying to connect to internet without managing to. It's kind of frustrating. Im back on phone to TPG techs - for ehat is now third hour on phone today...
Level 2

Same problem, fried NBN box. TPG support was ..... lately. Non existant to be honest and I am concidering just switching the provider instead. I have regiular outages in the past 2 months, like 3 -5 a week.


Hi @laworr1966, it is likely that it will not work because NBN NTDs are provisioned to work on the registered address from your ISP. We'll wait for your account details via PM. 

Level 2
Mate, you just got suckered. It says clearly on the NTD that it remains the property of NBNCo. It needs to remain at the property where NBN has provisioned it for. You will need an NBN technician to come out and reprogram it for your address so you could have saved yourself the hassle and used the one they will bring with them for free
Level 2
We had the same issue.
So far getting tpg /nbn help has been non existent! A friend lent us their old one this morning, we used our cords just connected their box & it’s working fine. Now to just get hold of them to send out a new one 🤦🏻‍♀️

Hi @Susan1703,


We're here to help! Please send us a private message along with your Customer ID/username and we'll pull up your account. 



Level 2

hi there,


First time community user so sorry if I am not in the right post.


I am a long time TPG customer and have noticed that my NBN at home is dropping out quite frequently with high pings/slow internet speed, which sometimes improves after I turn my modem/router off and on. I wonder whether it is the fact that my Huawei Modem (HG659), which I think I have had for a while, is the source of this problem. I was hoping to be able to upgrade my modem, but noticed that I will need to PM a moderator with further information (just don't know how to do this).


Can you help?


Thank you.




ps - I understand that my place of residence will be getting an upgrade to FTTP afterwhich I can upgrade my plan. I have not heard if/when this will occur.