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Port Forwarding on the TP Link VR1600V

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Hi @canleyvale, if you have set up the port forwarding on the TPG modem's settings and it is still not working, we recommend that you contact your security camera administrator for assistance.


With regard to why you have HFC connection type, please be advised that it's NBN Co. who decides what type of NBN service will be available on a specific area.


If you are thinking about changing the type of NBN service you have at the moment, you can check out this link and contact NBN Co. directly for further queries.


Technology Choice Program

Level 2

After you change your plan from ADSL2 to NBN, you have to redo your NAT forwarding again with TP-Link vR1600v.


It caught me at first as my VNC Server was working all the time even before the day I changed from TPG ADSL2 to TPG NBN HFC.

After the NBN technician completed the installation, VNC did not work at first.


So I have to go to Advanced\NAT Forwarding\Virtual servers.

Disable the original port forwarding rules.

Click Add

Select the interface that suits your NBN installation:

For HFC, it is EWAN_pppoe

Set your port forwarding rules again.

Restart Modem.

It should work now.    

Level 2

I am having issuse with the 1600v and port forwarding port 10308.


I have gone as far as setting my machine as DMZ.  port is still closed according to port checking tools


Hi @eScourge,


Welcome to TPG Community!


We tried to locate your account using your community details to no avail.


We'd like to arrange a call from our Senior tech team to look into your settings in order to check if there's something missing.


Please send me a PM with your TPG username or customer ID number along with your preferred time and best number to be contacted.




Level 2

Does anyone know how to forward the port for voip to another modem?  I am not happy with the tp-link for the voice calls.  Have got an optus modem that worked perfectly for the voip calls before I transferred to a different provider for the internet and voip calls.  So want to know if it is possible to connect the optus modem to the tp-link modem and get the voip port forward to the optus modem for the voip calls?


Hi @beetlejuice,


Welcome to TPG Community!


The VoIP phone bundled with your NBN service will not work with a third party modem, since the configuration of it is saved on the special firmware of the TPG supplied modem.




Level 2


I have the same problem and tried to call TPG service team 3 times.

They can't not assist me further with open the advance interface of the router configuring page

Please help, thank you


Hi @yzhu1992,


Welcome to TPG Community!


Have you tried the steps given in this article? Are you using the TP-Link VR1600 modem/router?


May we know what happened after you followed the steps above?



Level 2
How do I get external port number??
Level 2

Thanks for sharing the solution for port forwarding with the new TP-Link. 

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