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Sagemcom 5866t Firmware Update and Ping test

Level 3


I have the Sagemcom 5866t firmware version: SGJy10021E

Is this the latest Firmware version? 

Im currently experiencing a ping of 30ms+ on my wifi enable devices such as my Samsung Galaxy s22 Ultra which is clear line of sight from the Sagemcom modem. On Ethernet directly plugged into the Sagemcom in achieving around 20ms ping. Any reason for this? Could it be improved via a firmware update?


Hi @AlJose . What address do you ping that gives 20 ms on ethernet?


@AlJose . You said: "On Ethernet directly plugged into the Sagemcom in achieving around 20ms ping".

What ip address do you ping?

Level 3

Hi David, That question above my technical analysis sorry. 

I simply ran multiple tests at different times via the TPG Speed test page to achieve these results.


@AlJose . What download and upload speed do you get on TPG speed test. The 5G wireless broadband is advertised as up to 96Mbps down and up to 14Mbps upload on the faster plan.

Info on 5G:

Latency and gaming

5G is great for most online applications (including casual gaming), but if you require ultra-low latency where every millisecond matters (for example, professional gaming), 5G Home Broadband may not be the right fit for you.


Level 3

Speeds Im achieving are consistently within the advertised numbers and Im happy with the speeds. My only question is the Ping speeds as mentioned earlier. I understand its not professional ultra-low latency however as mentioned earlier ping over wifi on 5ghz is around 10-15ms+ slower than the ethernet connection to the Sagemcom modem.


@AlJose . Is your ethernet computer also a laptop with wifi?

Are you familiar with command windows and ping command?

You can check your local network using your computer on ethernet to ping the modem. The label on modem will give its local ip address, usually

Command is    ping

What response times do you get?

If your computer has wifi, remove ethernet cable and connect to wifi.

Repeat ping command. What response times now?

You should also be able to find out the wifi connection speed between computer and modem. Maybe the wifi icon in System Tray? You should get over 65Mbps. This is not the number from the speed test.

Level 3

I'm using a desktop PC with wifi link speed of 520mbps. Would you know of my original post regarding Modem firmware if there is an update?

Results below of ping tests:



Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms



Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=64
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 3ms, Maximum = 3ms, Average = 3ms


@AlJose . Regarding firmware version, TPG replied to this user that their version was latest:

(SGJy100058 5.37.5     from May 2023)


Can you do the ping commands on ethernet and wifi to and and a couple of others you might use.

Can you do the speed test with the computer on wifi and compare with the result when it was on ethernet.

I think the computer on wifi performs better than a wifi device.

Level 3

Thanks. Do these modems automatically update or do we need to do it manually? Fro the reeply there is no way to determine if mine is older firmware.


Pings on facebook, google, youtube etc are all around  20-30ms


I understand that ethernet has lower ping latency. My question is, is the ping speed on wifi due to slow Sagemcom modem? Or is it expected to be 10-20ms+ latency over wifi compared to ethernet?