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Tplink Archer VR1600v keeps rebooting

Level 2

I'm getting the same issue. Started happening a couple of weeks ago after a couple of years of flawless service. It was happening every few hours until the last few days when it sped up. This morning it was happening every few minutes. I did a factory reset as described here - via the web console. It's now gone back to every hour or so. This is ridiculous. @BasilDV and @Anonymous - what are TPG going to do about this? We are paying customers. I'm working from home (as are many others I suspect), and this is unacceptable. Come on guys! Please tell me there's a fix for this issue.


My modem's details:

Firmware Version:0.1.0 0.9.1 v5006.0 Build 220518 Rel.32480n

Hardware Version:Archer VR1600v v1.0 00000000


NBN technology: HFC 100/20.

Not applicable

We got you, @mikelambrellis


Let us see what causing rebooting issue of the modem. Could you shoot us a PM with your details so we can proceed with the initial investigation.


How to send a PM? 




I'm getting the same issue. Started happening a couple of weeks ago after a couple of years of flawless service. It was happening every few hours until the last few days when it sped up. This morning it was happening every few minutes. I did a factory reset as described here - via the web console. It's now gone back to every hour or so. This is ridiculous. @BasilDV and @Shane - what are TPG going to do about this? We are paying customers. I'm working from home (as are many others I suspect), and this is unacceptable. Come on guys! Please tell me there's a fix for this issue.


My modem's details:

Firmware Version:0.1.0 0.9.1 v5006.0 Build 220518 Rel.32480n

Hardware Version:Archer VR1600v v1.0 00000000


NBN technology: HFC 100/20.

Level 2

Hi -  


I've been having the same issue with my VR1600v rebooting 3-4 times a day - tried identical replacement modem, swapped power supplies, factory reset, etc. Could someone check out my connection/modem?




Hi @ScottJervis 


We'd like to look into this further in order to confirm if the issue is with the device or the network.


Kindly send us a private message with your account details.



Level 2
Level 2

Hi all. My modem has also started doing this more frequently, 3-4 times per day. Sometimes it will reboot itself, other times I have to reboot it via the switch on the back. Nothing at my end has changed. 


It seems this is a common issue recently, has there  been any general cause or fix? 

Level 2



I've been getting this issue for the past few months.  Usually it resolves temporarily after a full hardware reset, but then after a while it comes back again, i.e. all the LED lights would light up and then all go dark except the power, signifying a reboot.


Hi @QuantumKnot,


We're here to assist! Please send us a private message and we'll pull up your account. 

