Wifi strength

Level 3
I am very frustrated !!!! My internet wifi is so slow, it has full bars and it’s not giving me the full mbps, when I go very very close to it gets better but still not full. I think something is wrong g with the modem and I want a new modem!!!! I deserve better service then this I didn’t sign up for this this modem has been playing since day 1

Hi @Nbnmrhamoui . When you have your wifi device very close to the router, tap the connection in the wifi settings screen. It will show the actual connection speed between the router and device. 

How does that compare to your NBN speed?

The 5G speed will be better than the 2.4G speed.

Level 3
What you said David makes no sense, it already says on my wifi bar I have 3 full signals

Hi @Nbnmrhamoui


May we know the speed that you are getting when you are connected to the WiFi?

What troubleshooting have you done so far?


Are you using the 5GHz or 2.4GHz network?


We'd like to assess your case and more information is required for us to come up with a reasonable resolution.

