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Wireless bridge from VR1600v to Budii Lite

Level 2

Trying to set up a wireless bridge from my Vr1600v to my old Budii Lite router.


I have read a few posts online and spent several hours trying to get this up and running to no avail.


I am quite a newbie to technical pieces, so patience please.


The steps I have tried to follow:

Step 1: Connect to your VR1600v web interface and click on the Advanced Tab at the top
Step 2: Click on Network and select DSL from the dropdown
Step 3: Delete all the existing connections
Step 4: Create a new connection using the Add button
Step 5: Change the settings to look like this – (you might need a vlan ID if your RSP has specified it) and click save
Step 6: Select Interface Grouping from the menu on the left
Step 7: Click the add button and then use the following settings –

I have then gone into my Budii Lite and:

Step 1: Turn off DHCP
Step 2: Use same setup as VR1600v (username / password)

But anytime i try and change the LAN IP address or other things i've found online the 2nd router just turns off. The Budii Lite has WDS, but i dont think the VR1600v does.


any suggestions?





Hi @jjshadow


The Wireless bridge is not supported on the TPG provided modem/router.


You may set your third party device as an access point for your TPG provided modem/router.

Check this thread for some instructions.

