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hi i have router Archer VR1600v v1 00000000 firmware 0.1.0 0.9.1 v5006.0 Build 180828 Rel.56416n
is there a firmware update available as i am having problems with stan identifying the internet connection.
Hi @lbj,
Welcome to TPG Community!
The modem currently has the latest firmware.
Are you experiencing issues with Stan only? Are you using it to your TV or Mobile phone?
Please provide us more information on the issue for us to analyze and provide you with the resolution.
Hi @lbj,
There's no issues with the TPG service that you are getting since you've confirmed that Netflix is working fine.
The basic troubleshooting for Stan application is just uninstall and reinstall. You might need to contact their support team for further checking of the application or if there's any issues within their network.