Email Spam

Level 2

My email inbox has received over 21,000 spam emails in the last 24 hours. How do I clear the inbox and prevent the problem from happening again.


Hi @gsjb . Did the sender addresses have anything in common (from the same group of senders) or all just random addresses?  Or anything specific in the subject? In Mail Filter Settings, you can use Blocked Email Addresses or Advanced Filters to send items to Spam folder or delete. Also set Junk Mail Filtering to Medium but this might catch some emails you want.

To clear your Inbox, in Post Office main screen, select the Inbox. In icon bar, click the gear wheel icon, and Select All. Click the trash can icon. Items in Inbox should be moved to Trash folder. Do same steps for Trash folder.


Level 2

The messages were from a wide range of senders with no obvious link. Many referred to "Unable to Deliver". With over 21,000 emails there are too many to list in the filters. Also as I can only delete 200 emails at a time, it would take a long time to delete 21,000. Is there a way I can clear the inbox in one hit? 


@gsjb . Does the Select All select the whole 21,000 or only 200 at a time? Haven't tried it.

The Advanced Filters allow the To address or Subject to be tested.

Someone might be putting your email address in the reply-to field and sending to non-existent addresses.

You can also send an email to detailing the problem. There might be something that can be done at their email server level.


Level 2

The "Select All" only selects 200 at a time. not the whole 21,000 in the  inbox. So cleaning the inbox would be a long process. I will contact the Postmaster again to see if I have to abandon my email address.