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Enough! Way too slow internet

Level 2

OK, I've had enough. Over 2 years ago, I upgraded from the NBN12 to the NBN50 plan. Since then, I have never even achieved 25mbps on my hard-wired computer, even in off-peak times (see attached speed test file). The best I've reached is 24.5mbps, and that was just recently, at 4pm. Ironically, for that particular test, I had to wait for 5 minutes before the test would run, due to a dropout, which of course doesn't appear in any speed test. I am constantly getting dropouts, and there's not a day goes by that I don't get a number of dropout notifications on the computer (see screenshot). My smart TV struggles to even use iView. So why am I paying for 50mbps when I'm not even getting half of that, on top of all the dropouts? It's not good enough. According to the ACCC latest progress report, TPG provides an average across all hours of 99.0% of the plan speed, and 98.4% at peak periods. So what happened to me? It needs to be fixed, and if it's not something that TPG can control, then according to the ACCC it's TPG's responsibility to resolve any issues with  NBNCo. I shouldn't be paying for something that I'm not getting. In fact, the ACCC suggests that I may be eligible for compensation. 


Hi @bigdeeal . Just regarding the speed you are getting, what type of NBN connection do you have?

Level 2

Hi david64, 


I have FTN, with supposedly a 50mbps package. And my primary device is wired, although I have a number of wireless devices.




Hi @bigdeeal . With FTTN, you can check your connection speed to the node in the DSL info of your router: up and down speeds, line characteristics and errors. You could post that info in here. If the speed from node to you (downstream?) is substantially less than 50Mbps, there is line fault or your distance from the node is too far. SNR and attenuation affect stability.

Level 2

Hi david64. I've checked the connection speeds: max downstream 27729, max upstream 10828. I'd call that substantially less than 50Mbps. Given the number of dropouts I get, I'm assuming a line fault. Given that I've been paying for 50 for a couple of years, something needs to happen, and soon. If distance from the node is a problem, TPG never told me that I was never going to get close to 50 when I applied to upgrade. 


Hi @bigdeeal


We apologise for the inconvenience.


We usually send out notification emails to our customers under the NBN FTTN technology about their expected connection sync speed due to the legacy copper wire.

We'll arrange a call from our Tech team to check on your connection further and see if we can still improve your connection speed.


Someone will be in touch with you today between 6PM - 8PM.



Level 2

Hi BasilDV,

I keep a record of all interactions with TPG, and I received nothing to tell me about the limitations of my copper wiring when I applied to upgrade. If I had known that I was only going to get less than half of the upgrade speed, then I wouldn't have gone ahead with it. Thanks, Mr Abbott and Mr Turnbull! I must be part of the <1% who don't get 99% of the advertised speed. 

Someone from the Tech team has been in touch. Let's hope I can become part of the 99%. 




Hi @bigdeeal


Your case was escalated to our Engineering team for further investigation.

An assigned Engineer will be in touch with you via SMS or phone call within 24 to 48 hours.


Stay safe.
