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No phone socket at home and NBN is cancelling my appointment again (2 Months since I signed with TPG)

Level 3

Hi there,


Last week, the NBN guy finally came and install a NBN Box outside my house. He told me that he has connected to phone cable (from the outside) and asked us to test it out, however since I moved in, there was never a phone socket on the wall (this is a very old house). So yesterday, I climbed up to the attic and located the phone cable (4 conductors inside, white, blue, red, black), which seems to be connecting to the new NBN box right now. The cable is just sitting on the attic at the moment and I have no way to test out whether it is still functional.


Yesterday (29 Nov) I received another phone call from NBN for a pre-connect check (I had an appointment scheduled today 30 Nov 1-5pm) but after telling the lady on the phone that I never had a phone socket in the house, she cancelled my appointment and asked me to hire a technician to fix up the phone socket myself. Right from the beginning, I had informed the TPG salesperson that I do not have a phone socket in the house before signing up with TPG. She has said that whatever issue I have, it would be sorted out by TPG without extra charge since my house is not a brand new development.


Can you please advise how I should move forward from here? It has been 2 months since I signed up and I feel like I am hitting a road block that NBN doesn't even want to look into.


Reynard (my TPG id is reynardli)


Hi @reynardli . Your description is a bit odd.

What type of NBN connection is being used at your house? Check at Or, what plan have you signed up to with TPG?

Having a box installed on the outside of the house indicates a HFC connection which uses coax cable to a wall plate inside the house, which doesn't use coloured wires.

Have you received any equipment from TPG?


Level 3

Hi David,


It should be FTTC (it says it in the TPG emails) and I have signed up for NBN50 Plan.


I have received the TP-LINK AC-1600 modem router from TPG about 2 months ago. Does that help?




@reynardli . FTTC is delivered through the copper telephone cable. But it normally comes from underground into the house and I thought NBN were supposed to install the cable into a wall socket, on the ground floor, not up on the roof.

FTTC uses a NBN connection device with 4 blue lights (NDD0300). This should have come from TPG if this was a first time NBN connection.

You can check your address on the NBN website for your service class, which indicates how ready your property is.

Level 3

@david64 , I have checked the NBN site and it also indicates I should be getting FTTC matching with the device which TPG has sent to me. Apparently, all my neighbours in the street have their cable running through the roof attic.


How should I proceed in my case? Shouldn't NBN at least send someone over to see what the issue is before cancelling my appointment? It could be a quick easy fix for them.


@reynardli . Seems like a sloppy installation by NBN if there is nothing accessible from inside. NBN should have terminated the telephone cable with a socket on the inside. Can you check with a neighbour to see what they did? 

TPG is supposed to co-ordinate with NBN on your behalf. 

You may need an electrician to connect to the phone cable in that box on the attic. I'd suggest to run telephone cable downstairs to where you want the router for your computer and wifi devices. You still need the NBN device (NDD0300) to connect to the phone line. The router (Archer VR1600) connects to NDD0300.

If you have a large house, wifi coverage might be a problem. You might need a wifi extender.

I can't action anything for you. You should open a new thread, just copy what you did for this one. Include that you are FTTC. Whether you have both boxes.

Level 3

@david64 Thanks very much for your help so far. Just curious, do you work for TPG?


My neighbours told me their NBN installers had spent 2 hours running the cable into the attic and to the room they want without any hassles. I am not sure why NBN wouldn't even turn up to take a look first.


I understand I will need the NDD0300 which I have not yet received. That was also my question as well, how would I go with doing a Pre-connection check without the NBN device?


Sorry when you say "I should open a new thread", are you talking about creating another thread with a different subject? 


@reynardli . I'm a user. I worked in IT and am retired. It's a bit of a pastime answering some of these.

You'll need to push TPG to get NBN to come and finish the installation.

Re new thread, same title and content with the extra items and any of your thoughts. Moderators tend to wait 24 hours before answering, and I sometimes think they skip threads which have a few replies.


Level 3

Thanks so much @david64 you are a legend for helping people for free!