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Ports blocked since NBN installed

Level 2
Ever since the NBN was installed we can no longer view our cctv cameras remotely. Can only view them when connected to the wifi.

Worked perfectly fine before the nbn !

Iv have followed all the links and forums and nothing is working, I don’t understand how the settings have changed for port forwarding. When I use a website to check if the ports are open it’s says they are blocked?? But it says it’s ok in the modem settings.

This is driving me insane, I have no idea what to do.

Hi @stephreiger138 . Do you have a normal NBN connection, as opposed to 4G/5G wireless?

Port forwarding doesn't work on 4G/5G wireless.

When setting up port forwarding, you have to specify an interface name. This is the same interface that is shown in router status.

Have you setup DDNS to handle changes to your public ip address? Allows you to access your home network using a name rather than ip address.

Level 2



Sorry to sound stupid, but i have no idea, i know we have 2 wifis thats show up, one that says 5G, and just a normal one, so assuming we have the 4G/5G.


I just dont understand, before all i had to do was plug everything in and now with the NBN, i need to figure out all these different settings.


Is that the wan interface name in the router settings? 


I havent changed any settings as i have no idea re DDNS, when i go to the settings of dynamic DNS it has a user name and password already in it, so assuming its already set up?


@stephreiger138 . What model wifi router do you have?

Routers create a 2.4G and a 5G wifi network for your devices inside your house. These are the two you see on your phone/tablet. 

If the router has a cable going to telephone wall socket, or to a NBN box, you have a standard NBN connection and port forwarding should work.


Is that the wan interface name in the router settings? 

Yes. The router displays the active wan interface. That's the one to go in port forwarding.

(There are probably three interfaces: ewan for connection to NBN box; ptm for connection to telephone wall socket; atm for ADSL-no longer used.)


Re DDNS: when you say already set up, was this router being used before NBN? In the setup, there should also be a hostname and an indicator of the DDNS service provider. 


Level 2

Yep there is a cable going from the router to the NBN box, thats why i dont udnerstand why all of a sudden it no longer works as before we plugged the nbn box in, it worked fine, as in i could see our cctv remotely no issues, now only when we are on wifi we can them. 


The interface name is the ewan one showing?


Yes from memory this is the router we have had the whole time, we just plugged it into the nbn box when it arrived, does that sound right?


Im at the point of wanting to just change providers and get a new router as I have spent hours trying to get this work and I have no clue whatelse to do

Level 2

also the model of router is Archer  VR1600v


@stephreiger138 . Do the cameras stream video to a recorder and you access the recorder to view the individual cameras?   Or, do they work some other way; eg. you access the cameras directly as individual devices?


At home, can you see the video on your ethernet computer as well, or only on your phone/tablet?


When you are away from home, what method do you use to access your cameras? A special phone app, or just a browser?


As for just plugging it in, the VR1600 figured out to use the connection to NBN box, the local setup didn't change, and you're using ewan_pppoe in port forwarding. You must have changed the interface when you went to NBN because it would have been using the ADSL interface prior.


Could you provide a screenshot of the setup for one of the forwarding rules.


Level 2
Yes, they stream to a dvr box recorder, then I access them thru an app.

I can see the cameras on the v computer screen that’s attached to the dvr box ?

I use the same app to access them away from home on my phone

What rules screen shot do you need?

It won’t let me attach screenshots from my phone as they’re arnt jpeg, I’ll try from the computer

@stephreiger138 . For screenshot, in Virtual Servers, click the modify icon (not garbage bin) to expand the rule.


It is unusual to have different port numbers for external and internal.

Does the dvr box have a reserved ip address so it is always the same? After blackout or reboot, the dvr may get a different ip address. The reserved ip address should be outside dynamic range; outside the range 100-199.


Do you recall how the phone app is configured? With the rule you have, the app must have two targets: one on port 10510 for at home, and one on 8090 for when you are out.