Ports blocked

Level 2

Im having issues opening ports. I know this has been mentioned before however I've gone through all the settings, but all ports seem to remain 'filtered' or 'blocked'.


Ive setup port forwarding on the router, ensured firewalls are clear in my OS, but ports still not accessable.




Hardware Version:Archer VR1600v v1 00000000

Firmware Version:0.1.0 0.9.1 v5006.0 Build 200810 Rel.53181n


Setup via NAT forwarding > Virtual Servers >

 - internal IP set for static local IP address of a server I am running

- Port set as needed

- Protocol is both UDP/TCP


connecting to the server via LAN works fine, However when trying to access it externally it fails.

I have the same issue for connecting via SSH, where I can only do so via internal IP address.


Perhaps I am missing something, or perhaps the ports are blocked at the ISP level, any help would be much appreciated.





Level 2

I had the same issue. Only thing that worked for me was to put the server ip in to the DMZ zone. I'm running a virtualised email server so only that particular VM is under the DMZ. As far as I'm aware, TPG dont block ports

@pneu1 wrote:

Im having issues opening ports. I know this has been mentioned before however I've gone through all the settings, but all ports seem to remain 'filtered' or 'blocked'.


Ive setup port forwarding on the router, ensured firewalls are clear in my OS, but ports still not accessable.




Hardware Version:Archer VR1600v v1 00000000

Firmware Version:0.1.0 0.9.1 v5006.0 Build 200810 Rel.53181n


Setup via NAT forwarding > Virtual Servers >

 - internal IP set for static local IP address of a server I am running

- Port set as needed

- Protocol is both UDP/TCP


connecting to the server via LAN works fine, However when trying to access it externally it fails.

I have the same issue for connecting via SSH, where I can only do so via internal IP address.


Perhaps I am missing something, or perhaps the ports are blocked at the ISP level, any help would be much appreciated.






Level 2

Thanks for the response jadeopia. Im not overly thrilled by the idea of using DMZ, just seems extreme for an other wise simple port forward. I have friends with other ISPs that have no issuse opening ports via port forwarding.


I cant see what else could be the issue other than the TPG itself blocking ports or the modem essentially failing to open the port despite it being set to do so.


any other feedback, especailly from a TPG admin would be much appreciated.


Hi @pneu1 . Have you set up DDNS so you can access your server using a host name rather than having to worry about your dynamic ip address changing?

Can you change the port numbers being used externally to between 30000 and 40000? This relates to an issue with VOIP service that might be ongoing.