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Level 2
I am completely disappointed by tpg at this point. Have been calling since Monday and a technician requested a new nbn box for my new address and was told that it would be dispatched within 48 hours. So we waited, 24, 48, 96, 120 hours... WE HAVE RECEIVED ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

We called again and again, and the only thing the service person told us was to WAIT! We have waited for much longer than enough and need a solution immediately,not wait and wait and wait! Then the person we called this morning said he would "escalate" this for us and a person would call us in 24 hours. I kept my phone with me for the entire day but NO ONE called. I am so disappointed in TPG's eEfficiency. The only simple thing we need is ONE SINGULAR nbn BOX! Its not that hard! Just mail it and get it over and done with!