
Level 2
Hi how are you
I was send a lot question ask how to connnet my NBN But until now Still no answer Can you tell me What can I do
If after fewdays No one contact me I will changeTo Other company Because I can't only waiting waiting waiting

This may help.


Riezl and Manuel have created the following:


For new services, we recommend customers to check first if their service has been installed and activated.


We have created this community article, which contains a video on How to track your TPG service installation


We also send an email notification once the service is activated.


If you have received this email and the service is still not working, we recommend to check if the equipment is properly set up and we have created setup guides for all technologies that TPG use : New Connection Setup Help


You can find the type of plan you are getting and then info on the modem and setup.

Level 2
Hi I NBN box inside my house. Will you help me.