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I cannot make and receive calls on my mobile phone

Level 2

Since yesterday 10 of January, I cannot make and receive calls on my mobile phone but I can send and receive Text messages. I can make and receive calls one street away, in a shopping centre - Westfield Easrgardens - but as soon I get out of the centre, the calls drop off and I cannot make calls anymore.

I contacted TPG and they do not know and they say that Vodafone is carrying maintenance for the next two days. TPG will SMS me in the next 48 hours!!!

Has anybody a better idea of what is going on?

Thank you very much!!!



Level 2
Hi Mario,
I'm also having the same issuues. Same location as you. TPG could not figure out what's going on. Let me know if they tell you something new.

Hi @Mario 


Welcome to the Community!


We were able to locate your account using your community details and understand that the case was raised to our Mobile Engineers. A network reset has been applied and they've advised to reset your mobile phone, then test the service again.


You may respond to the SMS or let us know how it goes.

