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Mobile Plan price change without me accepting

Level 4

So I am getting notified the TPG is moving me to a new plan and charging me more without my permission.

This is not really acceptable. If I want to pay more for something i do not fully use then that should me my choice, not a pen pushers choice.

No where in the emails or text messages is options to have a plan where I do not pay more. Shutting down of 2G/3G is not my choice so I should not be punished by paying more. As it is now we never even come close to using the mobile data on our current plan, so having double the data means nothing for us, but paying more sure does impact us greatly.

I want to know of my options to remain on the same price plan or less.

Current Plan I pay $20 per mobile device, new plan $25 per mobile, plus the $110 a month on the internet bill, you can see TPG are digging my pockets a lot each month. I hoping being a customer for all these years means something more then an easy target.


We've appreciated having you around for all of these years, @skozzy. We want to see what we can offer you.


Send me a PM here and we'll take a look over your account to make sure you're getting the best deal.