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I can't send mail from iphone or outlook 2010

Level 2

I can recieve email via tpg server.

But I can't send email out.

I'm getting error message "Cannot Send Mail". The server rejected one of the recipeint;s addresses."

My settings in the Outgoing Mail server on my iphone 11 is as follows:-

Host Name:

Server Port 25


I've tried authentication with putting usename and passowrd on outgoing mail server but getting the same error. Why?


Not applicable

Hi @bddjlim ,


Thanks for raising this to us, here is an article that you may find helpful please see the link below.


Cannot Send Email Rejected by the Server/Banned from using SMTP 


Let us know how it will go.




@bddjlim wrote:

I can recieve email via tpg server.

But I can't send email out.

I'm getting error message "Cannot Send Mail". The server rejected one of the recipeint;s addresses."

My settings in the Outgoing Mail server on my iphone 11 is as follows:-

Host Name:

Server Port 25


I've tried authentication with putting usename and passowrd on outgoing mail server but getting the same error. Why?