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Unable to retrieve email from inbox (native TPG email)

Level 2

From my desktop, I am encountering an error message below when retrieving any email from in box from native tpg email, which I can't read any email as such in my in box. However it is ok on my mobile. Please help as I'd really need email access on desktop to read and/or save important documents for frequent backups. says

Failure creating folders in tmp directory. Web server users must own tmp/t/ and sub folders and have access permissions

Level 2

Suddenly, everything is OK !!! very strange.

No reboot and nothing done on my desktop !!!!! 


Hi @Hahntt . Post Office (webmail) started working in the last several minutes. It's working on Windows Chrome and Android Chrome. Webmail was down for some hours earlier but came up with the problem you noticed. Did nothing at my end. Something wrong at TPG end. I didn't check but mail clients could have kept working.

Level 2

Thanks @david64 for the info.

I didnot access email today until that time and was not aware of Webmail was down.