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email not working,changed password not logging in now


Hi @MattH ,


Since we're unable to verify the account. We suggest to advise the  account holder to contact us directly to reset the password of the slave e-mail account. You may call directly at 1300 993 011 (Accounts & Billing )




Level 2

no. we have done this account verification twice (on Monday and on today over phone support). and I am the authorised personel on this matter, which is confirmed by your support centre today. Are you able to look into the case number on this account xxxxxxx or not? and stop asking to call back because we had already called twice. Your support centre promised your email engineer team will call back within 24 hours, which never happen. by the way, password reset did not work. 

The only thing we need you to do is - look into the account and check the case number. get thing sorted. 


Hi @MattH


We can only assist the account holder or authorised contact on the account.


We've reviewed the case and found out the possible issue and already put a note on the ticket.


Kindly advise the account holder to wait for the call from the case manager for further discussion.



Level 2

got it. Much appreciated. will wait for the call.