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Customs number:XXXXXXX

Level 2


NAN HSIN TU I have a current NBN plan with TPG and I would like to turn off call waiting on my digital voice service. TPG Technical Services told me I would need to talk to TPG Customer Service, who then told me that I would need to look at the instruction manual for my phone, which told me that I needed to contact my service provider... I am going around in circles!



Hi @nancelle


We've edited your post as it contains your account details.

Please avoid posting any account information on a public thread as it may compromise your account security.


We'll forward your request to disable the call waiting feature on your phone service.

Updates will be provided once available.



Not applicable

Hi @nancelle,


Good day! We'd like to inform you that the Call Waiting feature has been disabled, let us know should you require further assistance.






NAN HSIN TU I have a current NBN plan with TPG and I would like to turn off call waiting on my digital voice service. TPG Technical Services told me I would need to talk to TPG Customer Service, who then told me that I would need to look at the instruction manual for my phone, which told me that I needed to contact my service provider... I am going around in circles!