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Can't log in to my account

Level 2
I can't log in to my account and forgot password link isn't working.
This is what I get when I click reset password.

Hi @jgerlach79 . Is this still occurring?

Do you have another device to try this?

Have you accessed your account on this device before?

If you tap the  i inside circle  icon, is there further info? Anything mentioning "secure" or "certificate"?

Can you attach any other windows that pop up. It could be a certificate error.

Level 2
I have tried on my mobile and laptop and it's the same on both.
The circle icon does say something about site doesn't secure information and I have read further info and tried the suggested problem solving options but still no luck!

@jgerlach79 . Could you attach a photo of what appears when you click the circle icon.

Then click anything about certificate or not being secure, and attach a photo of that.

Make sure to erase anything that identifies you.

What were the problem solving options you tried?



Hi @jgerlach79


Let's have a look at the account and see how we can resolve the issue. Send us a private message with your TPG username or customer ID and we'll go from there. 

