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Cancellation of service

Level 2

Hi Riezl

Thank you for checking up on this for me.


Not applicable

Not a problem, @tarynamy.


Let us know if we can be of further assistance. Thank you.

Level 2

Thats a bull** response BasilDV , I am on ADSL2+ and up until saturday 16th  March I was regulalry getting wi fi speed between 11-15  MBPS! 


For my situation, my internet has been down since that day! I now have to tether my iphone to my laptop to access the internet, I had a TPG technician visit on 21st March who stated it was a faulty wall socket which was duly changed at cost of $44, to myself!  but even after that there is still no internet! , I feel ripped off, 


There is a line fault but TPG are doing nothing about it only to suggest I change over to the NBN! oh yes more expensive! but my building doesnt get the NBN until 18th April at the earliest,


I've lost count of the numeorus phone calls to the Philipines only to receive the same bog standard response , "our engineers are assessing the case" 


So thats some guy in Manila looking at his computer and taking readings , instead of an engineer in sydney physically checking the line and finding the fault! 


When it comes to NBN changeover time , I think its going to be AussieBroadband where are you!!

TPG are doing NOTHING FOR ME because they know its three weeks supposedly before the change over!


Hi @coogeeboy,


The speed that I've provided in my first response was for the "UPLOAD" of the ADSL2+ service which is up to 1Mbps only. The speed that you've provided is for your Download/Downstream which is expected if you are near the exchange.


We have a very large call centre operation that is fully managed, owned and operated by TPG. Our staff are fully trained and equipped to help with any issue you may have. We have specialist teams, specialist technical teams and specialist complaint resolution teams, fully trained and equipped to best assist you.


Our Engineering team, which is currently assessing the account, has run multiple test within the copper line, but wasn't able to detect any fault. The case is quite complex that is why it is taking some time to provide a resolution.


We've already notified our Engineering team and they will be in touch once an update is available.


Kind regards,
