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Charges for FAKE calls. sms and paid services added without my knowledge

Level 3

Yesterday I checked my mobile usage and I am still in shock. I hardly use my phone and know very well the numbers I contacted. It's only few calls/sms per month. 

TPG added a lot of fake calls and SMS, as well as Voice Mail and Call catcher charges. Not only TPG added the services without my permission or acknowledgement, they faked I was using the services. 

TPG, you have to resolve the issues ASAP. It's absolutely awful how you treat your customers.


We want to take a look into what's happened here, @elesh.


Send me a PM here and we'll get to the bottom of what's going on with those charges.

Level 3

I sent you a private message regarding the fake calls and SMS charges. I also was charged for Voice Mail and Call Catcher that I did not use nor gave a permission to TPG to add them to my mobile.

Level 3

Hi Kate, 

2 days I sent you personal details regarding charges for FAKE calls  and sms, as well as services that TPG added without my permission (includ. paid ones Voice Mail, Call Catcher).You have not replied yet. 

Community Manager

Hey @elesh,


Kate has responded to your private message yesterday. Can you check your inbox?