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Double billed - return of money

Level 2

TPG double dipped this month and took 2 x the monthly fee. I contacted them last Thursday for return of the money and have only had generic acknowledgements via email since then.  I've tried by phone this evening and can't get through - recorded message saying they're too busy.  I'm a single parent and can't afford for TPG to take twice their monthly fee in error. How can I get someone to resolve this issue and return my money?


Hi @evechaloner


Welcome to the Community! 


Based on the account I've pulled up using your Community details, the last debit made from your account was last 21 January 2020 which will cover the period from 28-01-2020 to 27-02-2020.


By logging in to your online TPG account (My Account), you will notice that the debit date is the same every month as we charge 7 days before the next billing cycle.


There are helpful articles that can help you with your query:


Should you require assistance, feel free to let us know. 



